The sims 4 all dlc+gp+sp+fp
The sims 4 all dlc+gp+sp+fp

You have to make a copy of that folder and extract a new crack (crack version must match your game version) after every update. That way you can run your legit game from Origin and when you want to run the cracked one you just exit Origin and run the game from Game-cracked folder. Then extract the crack (you can find it on CS RIN forum in The Sims 4 thread or on GameCopyWorld website, both are linked in the Megathread) to the Game-cracked folder. Then make a copy of Game folder and name it for example Game-cracked. Just move the DLC folders (EP, FP, GP and SP from the main installation folder, don't touch anything in the Delta or in _Installer folder) from your cracked game to the legit one. You can keep both legit and cracked games in the same folder.

the sims 4 all dlc+gp+sp+fp

You can delete "Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4" folder (this will remove your saves, mods, options, etc.) and then remember not to run the legit game so it doesn't revert that. You get this error because the version of your legit game is/was newer than the cracked game.

The sims 4 all dlc+gp+sp+fp